[SCA-BMDL] Upcoming ARchery Practice

Urho Waltterinen crossbow1953 at earthlink.net
Mon Oct 28 09:19:04 EDT 2013

To all archers and friends,

Beginning with next weekend's archery practice (November 3rd), we will start shooting for the Gwyntarian Winter Challenge. This is a Society-wide tournament designed to keep up our skills during the long indoor season and give people bragging rights in comparing scores. The targets include the basic five-ring but sized to 40cm rather than the 60cm that you're used to, a slot shoot, and a bull's-eye target. We've been extremely proud of AEthelmearc's performance in this competition over the years.

We will use these targets for the rest of the season, including the practice held at the Castle prior to Barony meeting on November 10th.

This means that we will not be shooting any more Royal Rounds this season. If you need to, we can make arrangements.

If you have any questions, please contact Master Alaric or me.

The full details and links to the results page can be found on:


Thanks as always to Baron Nigel of the Midrealm for organizing this event.

In Service to the Barony-Marche,

Mestari Urho Waltterinen
mka Eugene Siren
crossbow1953 at earthlink.net
(home) 1-412-247-4467
(cell) 1-412-901-5239

Per valde mustache adveho valde officium

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