[SCA-BMDL] Youth Fighter Practice this Sunday
Karen Arianna Kasper
ariannawyn at gmail.com
Fri Dec 13 17:25:29 EST 2013
Greetings to all Youth Fighters and their parents!
Thanks to sparring marshal THLord Jussie Laplein for spending about 45
minutes fighting our youth combatants last Sunday. They learned a lot and
really enjoyed the experience.
This Sunday will be the LAST Debatable Lands' Youth Fighter Practice until
the new year! It will once again be held at our NEW MARTIAL PRACTICE SITE,
the Environmental Charter School near Frick Park in the East End, at 829
Milton St, Pittsburgh, PA 15218. This week we are hoping to be in the
auditorium on the main floor, which has more space than the gym and a
carpeted floor. Enter through the front door of the building, on Henrietta
St. Map here: *http://goo.gl/maps/e2Jex <http://goo.gl/maps/e2Jex>*
In honor of the holiday season, there will be treats for all of the
The schedule for youth fighter practices going forward will be:
Dec. 15 - Practice and holiday party at the ECS
Dec. 29 - Gaming at Ceindrech's house in Monroeville, more info TBA
Jan. 5 - Practice at the ECS
Jan. 12 - Practice at the ECS
I hope to see you on Sunday!
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