[SCA-BMDL] Artisan's Muster

Sunshine raven_bright at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 6 18:04:05 EDT 2013

Although this month's Artisan Muster had a small turn out, those that braved the beautiful weather had a great time.  We learned how to make tassels and twisted cords (Thank you Countess Aiden). We worked on banners, chit chatted, had some lovely sausage and cheese rolls and cookies and other yummy bits. There was knife sharpening, site token stringing and beading too.  Thank you all for coming, and I hope to see you again at the next one. I'll give a hint, the next muster will have a basket weaving class!! Many thanks to Liz too for letting us use Mr. Smalls!

Baroness Constance
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