[SCA-BMDL] Off-topic request.....

Christine Hutson kris_gilibari at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 1 19:53:15 EDT 2012

Sorry for the non-medieval request, but I just need to find some geeky friends going to GenCon.  I have been talked into selling art at GenCon this year, and although I have a hotel room arranged (well, a shared room with friends), and possibly a ride home, I need to get there, so I was wondering if anyone knows of someone driving there from Pittsburgh or surrounding area.  I can pitch in for gas, bring cookies for the trip, etc.  I know that people want to suggest the Megabus for this, but I will have more luggage than they allow, so I really need a ride in a car for this one.  You can let me know via private e-mail if you know anyone.  Thanks!

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