[SCA-BMDL] BMDL Sunday Practice Feb 25th

Shiro No Kaminari shironokaminari at gmail.com
Sat Feb 25 15:49:39 EST 2012

Greetings Good Gentles,

Come answer the call.

300 fighters to take the field at Pennsic.

The Barony-Marche Debatable Lands to field 150, be they Youth, Fencers,
Heavy or Archers, at Pennsic.

The Barony-Marche Debatable Lands defends herself from the would be usurper
Syr Bear Wallsbane and his minions at this War Practice.

Gulf Wars approaches.

The time is now.  Join us for the BMDL Fighter Practice.

Sunday February 12th at the Pittsburgh Chinese Church
8711 Old Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA  15237.

Of Note:

There is limited heavy loaner gear on hand.  Should you require more please
make arrangements well in advance.

Parking:  Park in the down-slope lot off of Highland Rd, walk around the
side of the building, enter the first door, and walk up the stairs to the
room on the 3rd floor.  Helpful picture at:
(entrance at the green arrow)

Doors open at 2pm.

Fighter practice* will continue at the *Pittsburgh Chinese Church.  Sundays
2pm - 6pm, unless other notice is given.

As always, all interested parties are welcome. Youth fighters and fencers
must provide their own marshals.
S*ee you at practice - Shiro

Busho Ogami Arashimoto no Shirou
Squire to Sir Ogami Akira
BMDL Baronial Knight Marshal

412 415 3336
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