[SCA-BMDL] Baronial Heavy Champions

Shawn MacIntyre medicmacintyre15219 at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 1 22:27:21 EDT 2011

Unto the Populace do Liam and Constance send greetings;

As you may have read we will hold Our Heavy Champions Tournament at Agincourt this year. Prior to our investiture, Sir Kadan the current champion made a suggestion to us that sat very well with us. 

Throughout the Barony's existence the heavy champion has often been a Knight of the Society. It goes without saying that the knights of this kingdom make the knights from the other kingdoms in the Known World shake in their boots. Sir Kadan being a well trained Knight made the suggestion that our barony show off the might of it's Unbelted Fighters for this year's tourney. We would ask that all knight of the Barony who are able to attend be their to cheer on the fighers and offer them advice throughout the tournament.

The rules for entry in the tournament will be as follows:
1) Each fighter entering must live within the boundaries of the Barony Marche and Steltonwald.
2) Fighters may not be a member of the Order of the Chivalry ( Members of the Order of the Pelican, and the Order of the Laurel are still welcome to fight).

The type of tournament will be determined once the number of entrants in the tournament is known.

Should you have any question, feel free to contact us via e-mail: liamandconstance at gmail.com

Yours in Service,
Liam and Constance


Baron Liam Mac an tSaoir (SCA)
Baron of the Barony Marche of the Debatable Lands
Dean of Aethelmearc War College
In Omnia Paratus
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