[SCA-BMDL] Greetings! I am new to these lands!
Ayla von Dahauaa
toxophiliayla at gmail.com
Tue May 17 17:27:17 EDT 2011
...Well, more or less at any rate.
I'm afraid I have been lurking here for a while now, but have never
managed to get around to properly introducing myself. I thought it was
about time I fixed that. My name is Lady Ayla von Dahauua (Carrie Carlson),
and I am new to your Barony. I have been living in Pittsburgh (Oakland) for
roughly ten months and am a graduate student of German Studies at the
University of Pittsburgh. (A few of you met me a few months ago in Posvar
Hall at one of your Schola sessions.) With regard to the SCA, I hail
originally from Calontir (Iowa) and was very heavily involved prior to
moving away. I have missed the SCA terribly since leaving Calontir and
regret that I have been largely unable to participate in the last year and a
half, but would very much like to fix that! I cannot, however, promise how
involved I will be able to be. Long (or very spontaneous) periods of
complete absence and 'radio silence' are highly likely (particularly while
the university is open), so please do not be surprised or offended if I
disappear randomly!
As to my interests - My focus has thus far been on 11th - 13th century
German, but I also have a strong interest in very early period Germanic and
would love to try my hand at it sometime. My specific areas of interest
include archery (foremost) - both target and combat - and some thrown
weapons, followed by needlework (embroidery/handsewing, etc.), and (more
recently) rapier combat. I had been an authorized fighter in Calontir, but
have not geared up in a very long time (and was also never terribly good
:-p). I had also been within just a couple of signatures of authorizing as
an archery/thrown weapons marshal and spent a couple of years serving as
Chatelaine to the Canton of Axed Root (Ames, IA) (if either of those things
help at all). Archery was the love of my life prior to moving, and I had
been training very hard and very consistently with it, but have lost that in
the last year and a half or so, which makes that my primary goal here, if I
am unable to do anything else. I would, however, also love to connect with
anyone focusing on any of the other things mentioned. I am, as mentioned,
also interested in giving rapier combat a try. Would there be opportunities
for this? I've never tried it before, and would have no gear for it at all
(unless any of my heavy combat gear could be recycled).
I would very much like to come to at least some of your activities and
events for as long as I can, including your archery/rapier combat practice,
but I'm afraid I have no car. Would there be any way for me to work out
some sort of carpooling arrangement with someone? I would be willing to
help pay for gas if desired. I should be around and mostly free for much of
the summer through the end of August (except for the month of July) and
would love to meet you all!
Thank you in advance for all of your help!
Yours in Service,
- Lady Ayla
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