[SCA-BMDL] Unto hire excellencies of the Debatable Londes,

Broom iambroom at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 12:09:59 EDT 2011

...and to the noble peple of thise londes, maister Emrys Eustace
commendeth himself rygt wel. Gretyngs.

Icham a simple maister of the Order of the Laure, withouten ony
apprentices, and somdel in the past called thise londes home. I shold
like to sette my shoppe withinne youre borders, and do busyness
therewith, and live withinne the city walles, or ellis close by.

There fore, I wold begge of youre excellencies the fredome of the
city, as I have had in the past, and to have your let to conduct my
busyness and plaisirs in your much praysed londes.

Also, I have a dogge.

Scriven this twenty-thridde day of June, in the first year of the
reign of Christopher and Morgen (the thridde by that nam), by my
clerke Acer's key-bord,

Moost hombly,

' |   Broom        IAmBroom @ gmail . com
' |   cellphone:             412-389-1997
' |   9370 Shadduck Rd,  McKean, PA 16426
'\|/  "Discere et docere", which means:
'/|\  "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I. took the one less
//|\\ traveled by. Stupid GPS." - with apologies to Robert Frost

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