[SCA-BMDL] Extra Canton Archery Practice, Sunday Feb. 20, 2011
Muirgheal inghean Dubhghaill
muirgheall at gmail.com
Thu Feb 10 06:54:14 EST 2011
My Lords and Ladies,
Please join us for a chance to shoot the Winter Challenge and other
novelties to help fight the mid-winter blahs! Practice will be from 1
to 4 pm at the Beaver Valley Archers Club. Please invite anyone that
would like to join us!
We are asking that each archer contribute $5.00 for expenses on the
practice site.
You need not come in garb, but if you would like to do so, that is
your pleasure.
If the weather breaks, we are permitted to throw weapons, fight heavy,
practice fencing, and use the out of door ranges. (They are calling
for weather in the 60s at this point, but it i Pennsylvania... )
Please contact Muirgheal for questions. Muirgheall at gmail.com or 724-683-7558
Directions to the club are found at http://www.steltonwald.org/calendar.shtml
Muirgheal inghean Dubhghaill
Captain of Archers, Steltonwald.
(mka Heather Hupp)
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