[SCA-BMDL] Twelfth Night Cookie Competition

Urho Waltterinen crossbow1953 at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 19 09:09:12 EST 2011

Good Gentles!

Baronial Twelfth Night is just a few weeks ago and among all the activies for that day is the Annual Cookie Competition. Please bring your tastiest submissions and they will be assessed by whatever collection of judges we can assemble that day.

This year we will be setting up two tables. One will display the competitive cookies to be reserved for judging. About a dozen cookies serve for this. A second table will display the remainder of cookies that the populace can eat throughout the day. (I had to defend the cookies last year from all comers until they were judged.)

It would be a good thing if you were to also set out a list of the ingredients for those with allergies and other issues to be safe.

In service to the Barony Marche,

Urho Waltterinen
Cookie Moderator

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