[SCA-BMDL] Bardic Champion competition

Cheryl Jameson cbrasch475 at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 14 12:03:18 EST 2011

Unto the Bards of the Debatable Lands does Elena, Comtesse d'Artois, send fond regards this day, 
My friends, the time approaches for Their Excellencies to choose a Bardic Champion. At BMDL 12th Night there will be a competition held so that they may select that fine artist! 
The requirements for participation are: 
1.You must be a resident of the Barony to be considered as the Champion. If you are not a resident, you are welcome to perform as an exhibition, time permitting. 
2. You must be prepared with 2 selections in your genre. Each presentation should be limited to 3 minutes. The selections must include 1 serious selection and 1 fun or funny selection. The two selections need not be in the same form (for example if you have a serious song and a funny story that would be fine). Depending on time limitations you may be asked to perform both pieces, or just one (bring your best weapons form). 
3. You must be present at the competition to perform in front of your fellows and Their Excellencies to be considered. 
4. You must be able to represent the Barony at Pennsic as part of the 7 Pearls Bardic competition in August.
5. You must be available to appear at court at BMDL 12th Night if you are the victor to be presented to the populace. 
Good luck to all, and please let me know if you have any questions. We all look forward to your works and enthusiasm. You are all wonderful artists. Lets make the decision really tough for Their Excellencies! 
Please feel free to forward this to any persons or lists appropriate. 
In your service, 

Cheryl Jameson
SKA Elena d'Artois le Tailleur
394 Moon-Clinton Rd.
Moon Twp, Pa 15108

I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I'm going to learn, I must do it by listening.
~Larry King
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