[SCA-BMDL] Baronial Policy Comments

Krista Cogan hildasca at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 1 10:59:20 EST 2011

Hello Debatable Lands!
You may have noticed that the Officers are in the process of updating the Baronial Policies. The proposed changes were in the November Althing, with a recap in the December Althing as a courtesy. The changes will be voted on in the December Officers' Meeting (Wed, Dec 7th, 8pm Porter Hall A19, CMU). As noted in the November Althing, comments are due by Dec 4th. 
It seems, however, that the normal numbering system was inadvertently changed to bullet points, and the proposal in the newsletter had bulleting that the Officers did not intend. Note that the Officers are not changing the traditional numbering to bullet points. The content is not different than what is published.
If you would like either a Word document or pdf of the proposed changes with the numbering intact, please let me know, and I'll email it to you.
If you'd like to comment online via Google Docs, here's the link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LD9EH3t0C-AMesxHKpqsIe7uWGkt8APx5jTbOBkeiZo/edit
Comments are highly encouraged. Although it's unlikely that the published proposed changes will pass a vote at Officers' meeting, the published procedure and timeline for policy review (as noted above), stands.
Let me know if you have any questions.
In Levitate et Caritate,
THLady Hilda, Seneschale
PS: The Althing is published to the Althing email list, and then archived on the Baronial webpage. If you don't currently receive the Althing to your email, but would like to, please join the Althing Yahoo Group here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bmdl_althing/ 		 	   		  
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