[SCA-BMDL] Post-Revel at Broom's new place!

Broom iambroom at gmail.com
Fri Aug 26 10:25:53 EDT 2011

I'd like to invite any who dare climb the slopes after the Investiture
to come to a post-revel at my new digs on the North Side. There about
4 ways in to my house from 279 or McKnight Rd; your GPS will
undoubtedly pick one with a hairpin vertical turn. My map shows a
gentler route.

Map on Google docs (I'll have copies at the event):


' |   Broom        IAmBroom @ gmail . com
' |   cellphone:             412-389-1997
' |   923 Haslage Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15212
'\|/  "Discere et docere", which means:
'/|\  "Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company."
//|\\ - Mark Twain

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