[SCA-BMDL] ARchery Bow Purchases FYI

Urho Waltterinen crossbow1953 at earthlink.net
Wed Apr 6 14:40:12 EDT 2011

>From the Captain of Archers,

I just did some price-checking for new bows and it looks like my usual site "FS Discount Archery" has implemented prices increases on their Greatree Mohegan Takedown Recurve bows which I have been recommending.

As an alternative, "Ye Olde Archery Shoppe" at http://www.yeoldearcheryshoppe.com/ has the same bows at the same prices as last year. I advise you to look at those if you're thinking of buying.

In Service to the Barony-Marche,

Urho Waltterinen
mka Eugene Siren
crossbow1953 at earthlink.net
(home) 1-412-247-4467
(cell) 1-412-501-5239

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