[SCA-BMDL] Barony Meeting Harvest Revel this Sunday

Krista Cogan hildasca at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 5 14:13:00 EDT 2010

Can't wait to see everyone this Sunday for the Harvest Revel.  You can read the annoucement and the pie contest rules here: http://www.debatablelands.org/barony-meeting.html
Just a couple of notes:

NO GARB is required. 
Bringing a pie for the pie contest is not required, but we really hope you do! Mmmmm.... PIE! The contest will open for judging by the populace at around 12:30. Entrants can drop off their pies whenever they get there.  Write your name, the name of the "pie", and the category you're entering (fruit, veg, or period) right on the marker cup. We'll make annoucements as to when it's ending, but likely around 3:30 or 4. 
There will be a short Officers' Meeting right after Barony Meeting annoucements. (1:30-ish)
Pumpkin-flinging will commence...um...whenever we feel like it, at Their Excellencies' pleasure.
Oh, and if you want to enter the Period category of the pie contest, I hear there's this really cool website, godecookery.com, and all the content is public domain! <ducks, giggling> No, really it's not, copyright infringement is bad. But it IS totally OK to bake a pie from the recipes there. :)
In Levitate et Caritate,
~Hilda, Seneschale 		 	   		  
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