[SCA-BMDL] Fw: Ballachlagan Demo at the Fort Steuben Mall
Cara & Char
caram at pitt.edu
Sun May 23 22:49:00 EDT 2010
Good Gentles, our Neighbors to the West invite us to participate in a demo this coming weekend. Please see the announcement below for details. We hope some from our Barony can find time to attend!
Byron and Ariella
----- Original Message -----
From: Edward Bednar
To: Cara & Char
Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2010 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: Ballachlagan Demo at the Fort Steuben Mall
Greetings again Your Excellencies!
I just wanted to send a friendly reminder that the Canton of Ath Dreagain of the Mid and the Incipient Shire of Ballachlagan have been asked to take part in a potentially event sized (I hope) inter-kingdom demo at the Fort Steuben Mall on Sat May 29th (from 10-6) and Sun May 30th (from 12-4). If you can fit it into your already busy schedules, we would be honored and most pleased if your Barony could join us for a fun filled day! I am aware there will be some conflicts such as Queen's Rapier Championship on Sat and your Barony Meeting on Sunday, but hope springs eternal!
So far there are plans to have heavy fighting and fencing, (possibly up to 2 lists- hopefully a chance for fighters to get some good practice outside of their area!), dancing, and some A&S displays... but we would love to have more. Please either e-mail me at eabednar at comcast.net or call 740-381-0825 (leave message) if there's anything in particular that you feel we should include or you'd like to see.
Demo Site: Fort Steuben Mall, 100 Mall Drive, Steubenville, OH 43952
My most sincere thanks in advance,
Ballachlagan Chatelaine / Webminister
From: Cara & Char
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 7:15 AM
To: Edward Bednar
Cc: caram at pitt.edu ; chatelaine at debatablelands.org
Subject: Re: Ballachlagan Demo at the Fort Steuben Mall
Greetings My Lord Ruland! Thank you so much for the invitation. We have already forwarded it to our Chatelaine and our Barony's officers and will continue to promote such an opportunity. We have planned our Barony meeting for Sunday afternoon, but do not have any local conflicts for Saturday. Please keep us posted.
Ariella and Byron
----- Original Message -----
From: Edward Bednar
To: baron at debatablelands.org ; baroness at debatablelands.org
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 10:13 PM
Subject: Ballachlagan Demo at the Fort Steuben Mall
Greetings Your Excellencies!
We have been asked to hold a demonstration at the Fort Steuben Mall in Steubenville Ohio on the Weekend of May 29th and 30th. This demo will be a co-hosted inter-kingdom demo including Aith Dragon of the Midrealm and The Incipient Shire of Ballachlagan of AEthelmearc. We would be very honored to have your Barony be a part of the festivities as well!
The tentative demo times will be 10-6 PM on Saturday, and 12-4 PM on Sunday. We will have plenty of room for the heavy fighters and fencing in the center court area, along with tables and chairs available for any displays we would like to set up. The mall is planning on assisting us in the advertisement of the demo, with possibly getting schools involved, and to paraphrase the Mall Manager : "What can we do to make this really big?"
All the details are not available quite yet, but as of the moment we cannot have sharp steel, and regretfully cannot use bows or thrown weapons. We CAN however set up displays of bows etc and man tables to explain our activities.
I am currently inquiring about whether merchants will be allowed to set up their wares. If this is allowed, I imagine the mall will charge a table fee for them. I will update you as I get more information from the Mall Marketing Director.
I would truly appreciate any help that you may be able to give us in this endeavor in spreading the word and hopefully joining the fun. Extra hands, fighters, fencers, artisans, bards, anyone that would like to attend would be very welcome and much appreciated.
I believe this is a great opportunity in this region, and if nothing else, a day we can all get together and do what we like to do.
If there are any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at eabednar at comcast.net or to call at 740-381-0825 (please leave message)
Yours in Service,
Lord Ruland Burckhart
Ballachlagan Chatelaine / Webminister
Edward Bednar III
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