[SCA-BMDL] Retaining for TRM at Pennsic

Ronnie Kummer bataarsogdo at hotmail.com
Mon Jul 26 20:35:28 EDT 2010

Greetings Gentle Nobles,

I am the Retainer Coordinator for Their Majesties, and I'm seeking volunteers to 
retain for them at Pennsic.

Shifts are typically 2 hours in length and no experience is necessary. In fact 
it is a fabulous way to learn more about the SCA.

What I need to know is your availability, any specific restrictions (i.e. don't 
want to put someone on a field battle shift if they have problems being out in 
the sun) or any specific preference, and if you are new to retaining.

Please email me privately at euriol at yahoo.com if you are interested in providing 
this service for Their Majesties, or simply have questions on what it means to 
be a retainer.

Please also feel free to forward this email to your email list for your local 

Thank you in advance,



"When an archer is shooting for nothing he has all his skill. If he shoots for a brass buckle he is already nervous. If he shoots for a prize of gold he goes blind or sees two targets - he is out of his mind. His skill has not changed. But the prize divides him. He cares. He thinks more of winning than of shooting - and the need to win drains him of his power."   Chuang Tzu

The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail.
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