[SCA-BMDL] Review of Pre-Pennsic Barony Meeting
Cara & Char
caram at pitt.edu
Mon Jul 19 22:17:00 EDT 2010
Unto the people of the BMDL does Baron Byron send greetings.
I was asked to review what I said at the Barony meeting last Sunday, in case
someone couldn't make it or I wasn't loud enough. Here's what I said:
The Barony has volunteered to guard the AE Royal Gate on Wednesday, Aug 11.
This is a great way to meet people and smile a lot. Please see us either by
email or at Pennsic to sign up for a shift of 1 or 2 hours. You don't need
a partner, although this does add to the fun. We have not heard the exact
times that need to be covered, but it's usually 8AM-6PM.
We seek retainers to accompany us on some of our Pennsic journeys. For the
most part, these are events that you'd love to come to anyway, like the
Choir or I Genesii or Midnight Madness. Catriona and Elss are coordinating
our retainers; please see them for details about volunteering.
We would like to continue our tradition of assisting AE Royal with Their
setup. We will muster in the BMDL camp (N10) at 11 AM on Sunday, August 1,
and go en masse to AE Royal to offer our assistance.
The Baronial reception will again be held in AE Royal on Sunday Aug 8 at 7
PM. Setup will begin at 6:30 -- please come and help us move benches and
help Zianna, who has graciously agreed to coordinate food for this event.
Court begins at 7:30 PM, and the party continues until 9PM, followed by a
brief cleanup.
We encourage everyone to volunteer their time at the A&S tent, because there
is a new A&S policy regarding children at classes that requires additional
volunteers. If you hold a purple Youth Minister card, or are a Youth
Marshall, you are particularly valuable to them.
We wanted to thank our Seneschale, Hilda, for putting together some very
nice schedules on a wide variety of Pennsic-related topics, including
battlefield schedule, A&S schedule, and Baronial events.
We look forward to seeing you all at Pennsic!
--Byron and Ariella
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