[SCA-BMDL] Top 10 Important Things to Do for BMDL Twelfth Night

Elss_of_Augsburg elss_of_augsburg at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 27 21:15:37 EST 2010

Top 10 Important Things to Do for BMDL Twelfth Night:
10. Unpack garb from Pennsic. Wash it at least twice. Maybe more.
9. Research period cookie recipes for Cookie Competition. Oh, wait, there aren't any. Use Betty Crocker Cookie Book instead.
8. Hang fighting gear outside to air. Add soap flakes and hope for rain.
7. Select beverages to accompany potluck. White or Red? Bring one of each. Or two.
6. Buy ten rolls of duct tape for Youth Gift Exchange. No, can't give these away; buy something else.
5. Ask spouse/significant other to suggest donation for silent auction. Receive ten page list in response.
4. Practice singing "The Viking Birthday Song" for Bardic Circle. Start now, hoping to be done before Bardic Circle starts.
3. Roll up rug and lay out black footprints for dance practice. Dance after midnight so no one can see.
2. Pack more beverages. Someone is always thirsty, and you'll want some for yourself.
1. Print info from http://www.debatablelands.org/events/twelfth_night/ so I know what's going on, and so I don't need to stop and ask directions!
This handy reminder brought to you by:
Elss of Augsburg
Autocrat for Twelfth Night

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