[SCA-BMDL] [SteltonWald] Steltonwald Fighter Practice - Cancelled
Larry & Colleen Kardasz
kardasl at pitt.edu
Tue Aug 17 15:07:20 EDT 2010
Due to Pennsic overload and much unpacking and refitting to do.
Steltonwald will not be holding practice tonight, Tuesday, August 17.
Looking forward to next week, (8/24) when we are all rested and ready to
go again.
In Service
THL Robert Marston
Knight Marshal Steltonwald
> The Canton of Steltonwald will resume it's regular Tuesday night practice
> tomorrow August 17th.
> Practice will be held at Hopewell Township Community Park. Directions can
> be found on their website. Practice is weather permitting. We practice
> at Pavilion 4 across the lake from the entrance.
> http://www.hopewelltwp.com/hopewell_park.php
> General Directions: Route 60 north, exit at the Hopewell ramp. Bear right
> onto Rt. 151 Gringo Road. Route 60 south, exit the Hopewell ramp, turn
> left onto Rt. 151 Gringo Road. Travel East past the Hopewell Industrial
> Park. Approximately one mile turn left onto Kane Road. Travel Kane Road
> past the Kane Road drive-in theater. Turn right at the next street, Laird
> Road. Hopewell Park is on the right side. Enjoy!!
> In Service
> THL Robert Marston
> Knight Marshal Steltonwald
"In each of us, two natures are at war the good and the evil. All our
lives the fight goes on between them, and one of them must conquer. But
in our own hands lies the power to choose what we want most to be we
are." - Robert L.Stevenson Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 1886
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