[SCA-BMDL] Archery Schedule

Urho Waltterinen crossbow1953 at earthlink.net
Mon Oct 12 10:22:01 EDT 2009

>From the Captain of Archers,

Weather permitting, archery will continue from now through the rest of the season with regular Sunday morning practices at the Washington Boulevard site up to the Sunday before Thanksgiving, November 22nd. This will continue even if the fighters and fencers move indoors.

There will be one exception. Since November's Barony meeting will be held at the Castle on Sunday, November 8th, we'll be moving archery practice there starting at 11:00. This will be a good time to start shooting the Gwyntarian Winter Challenge, so I will be bringing the targets for that purpose. 

Lastly, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm happy that thrown weapons has boomed in the Barony-Marche this year and can justify keeping the range up for long after archery has closed down. This has let me try it and I'm kind of hooked on throwing now (and kind of hooked on complaining about "Hey, I hit the center! How come it didn't stick?"). I look forward to participating in it more and to also participate at events that offer the sport. Please join us. 

Keep an eye on the mailing list for future updates. 

Elss - Could you add this letter to Althing, please...

In service to the Barony-Marche,

Urho Waltterinen
mka Eugene Siren
crossbow1953 at earthlink.net
Home phone: 1-412-247-4467
Cell phone: 1-412-901-5239

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