[SCA-BMDL] steltonwald archery

david black david_black42 at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 27 00:08:36 EDT 2009

I am planning on  having archey practice this sunday  3-29-08.
same place  Beaver Valley Archery  Range   inside/outside pending on weather!!!!!!     would be nice  to see you all    also as a reminder  the barony is  haveing The Muster at the Castle on Sunday, April 5th from 10 to 5   i plannon attending  so  archery  will be there !!!!
from what i unsder stand there is a pot luck  sideboard  so bring something  to share  and  it  is  a garb  required  event.
In service to steltonwald
david_black42 at yahoo.com

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