[SCA-BMDL] Partly OT: Huge mat cutter

Michael B. Greenstein greenstein at earthlink.net
Fri Feb 20 11:25:55 EST 2009

Greetings, all, from Michael Alewright.

A while back I obtained a large, used mat cutter that I thought would be useful for cutting sheaves of pages in my bookbinding endeavors.  Since this turned out not to be its intended nor ideal application, I have no need of it, and it is taking up space in my home.

The device consists of a flat wooden bed (38" x 31") scored with a grid pattern, along one edge of which is a metal cutting arm.  This is the sumo wrestler cousin of your everyday office "guillotine."  It is quite heavy.

Does anyone have a use for it?  It's up for grabs.  Perhaps a scriptorum has a home for it.

- Michael

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