[SCA-BMDL] February 15th Southern Regional Muster details

Sir Koredono koredono at gmail.com
Sun Feb 1 09:23:49 EST 2009

On Jan 31, 2009, at 4:23 AM, Cara & Char wrote:

> Greetings to All Fighters!  We are looking forward to hosting the 
> second Southern Regional Muster of the winter at our local elementary 
> school gym on Sunday February 15th and hope you can attend!  Here are 
> some details:
> Address: Marshall Elementary School, 5135 Wexford Run Rd, Wexford PA 
> 15090
> Time: 2pm-5:45pm
> We have the Gym and bathrooms adjacent and a custodian will open the 
> school and turn on lights just before 2pm.  All food must be eaten in 
> the cafeteria down the hall (water and drinks okay) and a custodian 
> will stay there during the time and clean up starting at 5:45pm.  As 
> you drive into the Marshall School campus, you first pass Marshall 
> Middle School on your left then approach Marshall Elementary on your 
> right.  Park in the parking lot across from the first entrace and 
> enter there.  To find the gym, go straight down the hall in front of 
> you and the door is on the right. 
> Please call us, Byron and Ariella, mka Char Branstetter and Cara 
> McCandless, at 724 933 4661 (home) before 1:30pm that day with 
> questions or email us at caram at pitt.edu.  Google maps works well but 
> contact us if you need directions from a specific area.

Links to the maps and directions are now available on the BMDL 
Marshallate web page, 

> Following much good fighting and melee tactic work, all are invited to 
> our house to order out pizza for dinner, ending around 8:30pm.  
> Showers are also available at our house: 755 Stonegate Dr. Wexford PA 
> 15090.   You reach our house by making a right out of the school 
> parking lot, going straight on Wexford Run Rd until it T-intersects 
> Mingo Rd (approx. 0.8 mile), making a left on Mingo and going 1.0 mile 
> to make a right onto Stonegate Dr, our street.  Please park on the 
> grass strip off the street and do not oppose any neighbors' driveways.
> We are eager to see you all and hone our melee skills! 
> Until then,
> Ariella and Byron

Sir Koredono
BMDL Marshallate web maintainer

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