[SCA-BMDL] Friends
ron kummer
bataarsogdo at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 23 22:12:52 EDT 2008
This post was written by Dicea. Please respond to her at dicea.deme at gmail dot com.
Posted with permission from Dicea, Squire to Sir Morguhn Sheridan; "Last night and those parts of today when I was not actually driving, I've been responding to the emails that have come in response to our news announcements. Mostly, I would get a response out and return to my inbox to find two more added to the queue, waiting patiently, their little hands folded behind their backs. As I got to each one, I would lift it up and set it down in my lap. I would ask it what its name was and who had sent it, and then we would chat quietly for a while, comforting each other. Then I would kiss it on its forehead and send it back from whence it came.There was not one that was rude or thoughtless or crass or mean. Each one was sweet and thoughtful and a joy to spend a little time with. I only wish I could have offered more for them to bring back to their writers. Those of you who have written have shared your moments of memory, your fear, your pain, your sorrow. You've been vulnerable with me and offered me so many good thoughts and kind prayers to pass along that I've worked out a database system so that I can share them with the family without burying them in a pile of printed pages. I am very deeply touched with the emotion, fortitude, and gentleness you've displayed. Many of you offered to help in any way you can. This is the the very root of why SCA folk as a whole are so very very lovable. Once one person starts arranging tables, hefting gear, or cooking feast, others are quick to join in and help. The only problem is that there is little to nothing that anyone can do right now. Please believe me, if I thought that mobilizing a private army and moving the pyramids three feet to the left would help, I'd have my Egyptian kilt and whip on in a second. What I am going to need is help in the coming months. An event that takes a split second to happen has consequences that stretch out for years. Words like 'paperwork' and 'lawyer' and 'fees' come into play long after the horror of the first moment ceases to be fresh in the mind.If you are willing to help in the long run, or if you may be able to help in specific situations, or if you have professional knowledge that you would be willing to share in certain areas, I would love to hear from you. I would like to create a private list of people on whom I can call in the next year for advice or for help for Their Graces. If this sounds like something you'd like to do, please email me at dicea.deme at gmail dot com. This would be a private list that would be used only in organizing volunteers and helpers for Meirwen and Rowan. If that is not something that you are able or willing to do, that is perfectly okay. Right now, the good thoughts, the kind words, and the strong prayers you are all offering up freely are the things that we need and benefit from most. You are all amazing, loving, wonderful people and I am in awe of your generosity and willingness to share in the pain of others. Thank you for being who you are, each of you. I am honored beyond words to have witnessed your love and admiration.
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