[SCA-BMDL] Newcomer Barony meeting
Gail Lefkowitz
lefkowitzga at earthlink.net
Thu Sep 4 22:43:48 EDT 2008
>> This is a special meeting as it is the newcomer
>> meeting and it is in garb.
>Please can we do this differently this year?
>I think we should focus on the things newcomers can do *right now*
>-- fighting, dance, guild meetings at which beginner-level teaching
>will happen *this month*, etc. The more participatory, the better.
I agree with She'erah's suggestion.
In the past, a slide show of baronial activities was sometimes shown after the business part of the meeting. Would it be possible to arrange for a laptop and maybe have someone run through Darter's web page of Pennsic photos for 10 minutes or so? My schedule will not permit me to create something to bring this month. I would be happy to put something together for October if desired.
Could flyers and maybe a ride coordinator for Archers to the Wald, scheduled for Sept. 27, be handed out?
I will bring or send some costuming books and invite people to look at them after meeting. If established costumers are willing to attend, we can have a weekend sewing circle on campus, maybe Sunday September 28th or Saturday October 4 - whichever the attending newcomers would prefer.
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