[SCA-BMDL] A Few Things

Spencer C. Huff shuff at andrew.cmu.edu
Tue Sep 2 22:29:10 EDT 2008

Since I'm relatively new to the SCA, I figure it wasn't my place to respond to these questions. 

What does everyone think?

And to reply to an earlier post (I know it's a bit late replying, I've been pretty busy recently), the CMU Activities Fair is still going on tomorrow.  Here's all the relevant information:


Hope this helps.

Spencer C. Huff (aka Charles de Pomeroy)
CMU Creative Writing Student

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: SCA question
From:    "Jessica Dickinson Goodman" <jessica.dickinson.goodman at gmail.com>
Date:    Tue, September 2, 2008 7:50 pm
To:      "Spencer C. Huff" <shuff at andrew.cmu.edu>

Hey Spencer,

I've come across a couple of things which I thought SCA  club might be
interested in but wanted to run them by you to see if you agreed. The
first is a project I am working on with the Posner Center where I am
recording people reading 16 of Shakespeare's Sonnets. The reason I
think SCA might be interested is that my project has opportunities for
historical performance with relatively little commitment (about 3
hours and non memorization).

The second is a project I am almost certain SCA would be interested
in, and that is the Madrigal Dinner on December 6. I spoke with Anne
Witchner (the organizer) today and she was very interested in SCA
doing some demonstrations, whether of sword play, courtly manners or
whatnot. It's also a fun end to the school year and a great event.

What do you think?


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