[SCA-BMDL] Bardic challenges at Cooks & Bards
Michael B. Greenstein
greenstein at earthlink.net
Mon Nov 3 12:12:14 EST 2008
Greetings once more from Michael Alewright. This weekend's Cooks and Bards will feature some bardic challenges. Consider joining in!
Here are five challenges to pique the interest of the most experienced bard, as well as the newest performer! All bardic activities are welcome as responses to the challenges: song, story, poetry, mime, juggling, instrumental or choral music, drama, artistic or dance, etc. Sign up for challenges on the day of the event. Challenges are not competitions; everyone who takes part can consider themselves a winner. Even if you don't perform, come to support your friends with applause, and enjoy the evening with us. The rules:
1. Challenges are not competitions. You win by entering.
2. Please limit each individual performance to 5-7 minutes maximum, to be fair to others.
3. Only one piece per performer per challenge.
4. This is a bardic safe space. Take chances, be creative, put your heart into it, and have fun!
Pass the Tale
All those who wish to participate get up together, and tell a tale from beginning to end. The challenge's patron will 'conduct' by pointing to the person whose turn it is to continue the tale, and deciding when it is time to end.
Triolets Are Blue
The triolet is a period French verse form dating back to the thirteenth century. It consists of an eight line stanza with 2 repeated lines (the rhyme scheme is shown below), and can be used singly or as part of a cycle. Try your hand at writing one.
a - line 1
b - line 2
a - rhymes with line 1
A - identical to line 1
a - rhymes with line 1
b - rhymes with line 2
A - identical to line 1
B - identical to line 2
The King Has Called and I Must Go
Throughout the Middle Ages, both ancient and modern, the crown will periodically issue a call for its populace to muster and march to war. Tell us of such a call. What did it mean to you? How did it make you feel? Did you wish to go? What consequences did answering (or ignoring) such a call have for you and your family?
Can they pry your kazoo out of your cold, dead hand? Now is your chance to make an UNreasonable attempt at pre-Seventeenth Century anything, with a performance that, while 'period-challenged,' retains relevance to our Society. At least one period artifact will be on hand to comfort overly-disturbed Laurels.
Ghosties and Ghoulies and Things that Go Bump
What was that noise? Throughout history, tales have been told of eldritch beings with various intentions toward humanity, and also of the restless dead. What can you dig up for us, as we shiver our way into nightmare?
No winners or losers here, either, just good entertainment all around. Sign up at Troll to entertain the populace as we dine! Kindly limit your pieces to approximately five minutes, to allow others their own opportunity to perform.
Saturday's bardic feast challenge: We dine in sumptuous and period style thanks to the gracious efforts of those who labor, so that we might relax and enjoy. Perform a period or period-style piece involving food and/or drink, or those who provide it. Music, tales and poetry all are welcomed.
Sunday's bardic feast challenge: Collaborate! If one voice or instrument is bliss, more than one is sublime. Get together with a friend (or friends), and make art happen. Your performance may be in any style, period or otherwise, that is compatible with the atmosphere we strive to create and preserve.
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