[SCA-BMDL] Fwd: 12th Night carpools?

Helewys helewys at gmail.com
Fri Jan 25 09:23:31 EST 2008

Can anyone on the Northside help this person out?



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Ferber <nemstar1 at yahoo.com>
Date: Jan 18, 2008 2:20 PM
Subject: 12th Night carpools?
To: chatelaine at debatablelands.org

Dear Lady Helewys Spynnere:

     I have just rejoined SCA recently, and while I
was never active with BMDL on any real level, I would
like to change that. Thus, upon learning of the date
and place of 12th Night, I am asking you if you have
any contact information for possible carpoolers coming
from the Avalon/Bellevue/North Side areas. I don't own
a car, but would be willing to help with gas if
someone whould be kind enough to pick me up. My
address is in Avalon:

4 California Ave Apt 1
Pittsburgh, PA 15202

      My phone number is 412 761 5427... the closest I
can make that particular bit to the SCA timeframe is
POplar-15427, but I'm afraid it's not near enough to
count. ;)

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Erik von Wildflecken
(David W. Ferber)

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