[SCA-BMDL] ideas about Barony meeting

Cara & Char charb at mail.connecttime.net
Thu Feb 14 09:39:56 EST 2008

Last night's Barony meeting focused on brainstorming about how to make Barony meetings better and increase attendance.  Here are some main ideas that most people seemed to agree upon.  We'd like to hear comments from everyone in the Barony (so please forward this to anyone you know who is not on the above lists).

1) Keep the formal "business" part shorter with very brief announcements by officers (most of that information now comes out in a more timely manner on websites, the BMDL list, or more specific lists, etc.).  Last night we got through all the "business" part in just over 15 minutes.

2) Keep the main purpose of the meeting socializing, including having more time to talk to newcomers 

3) Have Barony meeting every other month to increase the importance and give it a "mini-event" feel (have the Officers meeting in some form every month since there is business to address every month)

4) Move away from weeknights to Sunday afternoons (probably associated with fighter/fencing practice).  

5) Have potluck food (bringing food not required but nice if you can).  Our Exchequer mentioned this can be subsidized by Barony funds if needed.

6) Have Barony meetings located centrally most of the time.  Try to get large rooms at CMU or Pitt or use Washington Blvd site in warmer weather.  Distribute detailed parking information for people who don't know the Oakland area well.

7)  Try to have some particular Guild or Barony group present after the business part of the meeting is over to allow all comers to see the people in that group and more information on what they do (less intimidating and easier to access than showing up for the first time at a certain practice on one's own).   This would not be "mandatory" but available as part of the Barony meeting.

8) More advertising of the Barony meeting, both with posted flyers (e.g. at Inner Vagabond, around campuses) and online.  

9)  Updates to the Cour d'Or and Barony webpage (Clemente and Arianna have started some of this already) to have a more attractive web-based presence.

10) Since the meetings would be less frequent, use the BMDL mailing lists for dissemination of recent information

Please let the Barony know if these changes would increase your attendance at Barony meetings or not and why.  Any further suggestions are more than welcome!

In Service, 
Byron and Ariella
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