[SCA-BMDL] Re: Sca-bmdl Digest, Vol 21, Issue 9

Lynette Vybiral lynette.vybiral at gmail.com
Tue May 8 12:18:13 EDT 2007

As many of you may know, I work for the Pittsburgh Opera, and I've been
given the wonderful chance to offer free tickets for Thursday night's
performance of *Billy Budd* at the Benedum (show time at 8pm).

That's this *Thursday, May 10 at 8pm*.  For Free!!  The reviews are out and
this is truly a wonderful opera.  I've seen it 2 1/2 times already!  :)


If you're interested, please follow the link to register for tickets. It is
a ticketed event, so you will need a ticket, but it will be FREE!!

*Click here for Free tickets to Billy Budd*:

I hope to see you Thursday!!
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