[SCA-BMDL] A&S Seven Pearls - REVISE
Cara & Char
caram at pitt.edu
Wed May 2 18:21:24 EDT 2007
We could send in the heavy weapons champion, instead. That'd shake things =
up a bit.
----- Original Message ----- =
From: Ben Cogan =
To: Karen Kasper =
Cc: Dist List BMDL =
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 4:19 PM
Subject: Re: [SCA-BMDL] A&S Seven Pearls - REVISE
No, Debatable Lands does not have an A&S champion.
On 5/2/07, Karen Kasper <arianna_wyn at yahoo.com > wrote:
Does the Debatable Lands have a baronial A&S Champion? Or are we going=
to "cheat" and ask the Kingdom Champ to be our entrant? :-) =
Saskia van Ouwater <saskiavanouwater at gmail.com> wrote:
For people not on the AE list, there will be both a Seven Pearls Arts=
and Sciences Competition and an open A&S Competition at the Melee Madness =
on June 2 in Endless Hills. Information Below! =
Saskia van Ouwater
BMDL Minister of Arts and Sciences
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Carnaby Auction <carnabyservices at yahoo.com >
Date: May 1, 2007 5:23 PM
Subject: [SCA-AE] A&S Seven Pearls - REVISED =
To: discussion at aethelmearc.org
Not to panic - here is the revised and correct version of the announc=
ement - yes, this is indeed only the Seven Pearls competion. (although your=
Barony's honor is still at stake, LOL) - YIS - Tiercelin =
Good Gentles of Aethelmearc =96
We formally announce the first ever official Seven Pearls Arts &
Sciences competition to choose the Seven Pearls champion from among t=
he A&S
champions of each of our fair Baronies. This will take place at Melee =
Madness, on June 2, in the Barony of Endless Hills (see
http://endlesshills.aethelmearc.net/events/ for event announcement).
The current A&S champions from each Barony are invited to enter. The =
artistic honor of your Barony is at stake!
Mistress Euriol of Lothian will be registering the entries at the =
event site. Please do not put your name on the documentation, but do =
a separate sheet with your name and entry description/title on it whe=
n =
you register. Judging will take place at 2 pm, so all entries must be
in place and registered by that point. =
There is no category restriction =96 we simply ask that you choose
one example of your best work so that all may see the shining glory o=
f =
our artisans in the wonderful Kingdom of Aethelmearc.
We will also be having a general A&S competition, open to all the =
populace, with some fabulous prizes =96 we invite all Seven Pearls
competitors to enter this as well, with the caveat that you must have=
a =
separate entry or entries for that competition.
For all questions on the competition, please contact Mistress Euriol =
at euriol at ptd dot net.
Ysabeau Tiercelin
____ =
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Sca-bmdl mailing list
Sca-bmdl at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Karen Kasper
"I am a Consultant. Why, yes, lack of planning on your part DOES consti=
tute an emergency on my part!"
Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
Check out new cars at Yahoo! Autos. =
Sca-bmdl mailing list
Sca-bmdl at lists.andrew.cmu.edu =
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Sca-bmdl at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
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