[SCA-BMDL] First Friday Gaming and Scribal May 4th

Karen Kasper arianna_wyn at yahoo.com
Tue May 1 13:38:45 EDT 2007

This Friday, May 4th, is First Friday Gaming and Scribal Night at Arianna's house in East Liberty.
  Scribal theme will be painting scroll blanks for the soon-to-be-elected new Baron and Baroness.  I have several scrolls with line-drawing designs already printed for new would-be illuminators to come and paint, along with paints and brushes you can borrow.  All you need to bring is interest and enthusiasm!  Anyone interested in giving illumination a try is welcome.
  Gaming will, as usual, be on the third floor.
  Activities run from 7:30 to 10 pm.  RSVP is appreciated but not required.
  Arianna of Wynthrope
  (Karen Kasper)
  716 North Saint Clair Street
  Pittsburgh, PA 15206

Karen Kasper

"I told myself that acts of folly are the only things that one doesn't regret in life." - Jean-Paul Guyot 

"I believe in the indomitable human spirit and the amazing capacity we have for understanding the world; for love, joy and happiness."  - Michael Shermer
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