[SCA-BMDL] Baronial Court Report Pennsic War August 3, 2007
Ben Cogan
donnghaile at gmail.com
Sun Aug 26 23:15:38 EDT 2007
The Following is the report of the court held by Their Excellencies Byron
and Ariella, Baron and Baroness of the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands,
court held on the third day of August Anno Societatis 42 at the Aethelmearc
Royal encampment at the Great Pennsic War number 36, Brandubh O Donnghaile
reporting herald.
Their Excellencies opened court.
Clemente de Warrewyk was awarded a Comet Or for his service to the barony as
webminister, autocrat, and Pennsic camp coordinator. Scroll by Lara
Their Majesties Rurik and Angelik did present themselves and ask the boon of
borrowing Their Excellencies' herald.
Baronial court was suspended.
Baronial court was reopened after Their Majesties delivered a writ of
summons to Baron Leonard the Younger for elevation to the Order of the
Laurel, and awarded Giovanni di Lupo a Keystone.
Their Excellencies called forth Gordon of Westover, they spoke words of
praise of his Honor, Courtesy, Strength and Dedication to the heavy weapons
community and so they did award him a Comet Gules, scroll by Antoinette de
la Croix.
Zianna Beguy Urdina de Truylos was called into the presence of Their
Excellencies, it was widely known that she has served the barony as Mistress
of Lists, Tollner and Head Retainer, and so Their Excellencies did award her
a Comet Or, Scroll by Kazi.
Their Excellencies Baron Langdon and Baroness Ardis were invited before
Their Excellencies. Langdon and Ardis confessed to Their Excellencies that
they had been remiss in passing down regalia to their successors. Baorness
Ardis did then produce a lost relic of baronial regalia, a cloak of many
colors, but not purple! This cloak was then passed to Byron and Ariella as
Baronial Regalia.
There being no further business court was closed.
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