[SCA-BMDL] Agincourt - Lost and Found

Shawn MacIntyre medicmacintyre15219 at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 23 10:13:15 EDT 2006

Here are the few items that are in my posession that
were found in the clean up at Agincourt.

1 Olive Green ceramic mug made by Lady IKEA
1 Pewter/ glass bottom mug
1 Gold floral napkin
1 Red/ Maroon floral napkin
1 round flat bottom wooden bowl
1 bamboo bowl

Also Lady Alana Griffin is in posession of a leather,
2 snap belt/mug holder.

Lady Alana is missing a box of screws from the archery

We are also seeking a missing pair of White X-small
Leather Fencing gloves.

If you have information on any of these items, please
contact me off list.

In Service,

Lord Liam Mac anTsaoir

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