[SCA-BMDL] 4th of July Party

Jennifer Strobel jstrobel at psc.edu
Wed May 31 14:19:54 EDT 2006

To celebrate the founding of this great nation and to have yet another
excuse for socializing with friends, there will be a 4th of July gathering
at Huis Dinsdag, abode of Kieran MacRae and Odriana vander Brugghe
beginning at 2:00 p.m. and going until about 9ish since work happens
again the next day.  July 4th is a Tuesday this year,  so it is going to
be a super-sized version of our usual Tuesday Dinner gathering.

It's potluck, so bring a side dish or dessert.  If you don't have
something to bring, then don't.  I'd rather spend time with you than have
you not come because of something so trivial.

There shall be grillin' and other cooking, and acres of land to play games

We do have two cats, a dog, and a toddler so you are officially warned if
you have allergies (especially to toddlers), etc.  Directions are
available upon request.

We hope to see folks there!

Kieran and Odriana

"Do not dismiss the dish saying that it is just, simply food. The blessed thing is an entire civilization in itself!"
- Abdulhak Sinasi

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