Jennifer Strobel jstrobel at psc.edu
Tue May 16 09:41:56 EDT 2006

Tomorrow evening at my home in Hampton, we will be having Mead Makign with
Brandubh.  This is a hands-on experience, where we have fun playing with
the makings of alcoholic things and participate in the ever-popular game
of "how many people fit in Odriana's kitchen"?

The festivities begin at 8:00 p.m.

Take your best route to Rt 8 North.
Follow Rt 8 North for about 8-9 miles to the intersection of Rt 8 and
Harts Run Road.
Turn right onto Harts Run Road.
Follow Harts Run for .9 miles and turn right into my driveway.
The only landmark you have for the house is that just before my property
begins, there is an apartment building and parking lot on your right.  The
guard rail will begin just past the parking lot and end at the opening of
the small bridge to my driveway.
The phone number is 412.486.0566 should you get lost.
The address is 3000 Harts Run Road, Allison Park, PA 15101 if you want to
use Google Maps or Mapquest.

I look forward to seeing folks there!


"Do not dismiss the dish saying that it is just, simply food. The blessed thing is an entire civilization in itself!"
- Abdulhak Sinasi

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