[SCA-BMDL] Weather awareness

Frrom frrom at comcast.net
Mon Jul 31 15:04:52 EDT 2006

Greetings to all,
Today is, once again, hot and humid.  Currently in Pittsburgh, PA it is 
89 F and partly cloudy.  This is a reminder to all - not just those 
fighting - stay hydrated.   Please bring an extra amount of water and 
drink it when outside, even if you choose to sit.  Also, please limit 
your activity in this kind of weather, and rest in between fights.  
Dress down if you start to feel overheated - you can always put your 
armor back on again, and you will be much cooler.
   Clewin Kupferhelbelinc
   Deputy Fencing Marshal, BMDL
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From: Frrom <frrom at comcast.net>
Subject: Reminder
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2006 10:31:35 -0400
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Url: http://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/pipermail/sca-bmdl/attachments/20060731/e856f435/Reminder.mht

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