[SCA-BMDL] Pennsic Gear

mary howatson bunnienozez at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 17 11:22:02 EDT 2006

Since once again my health has gotten the better of
me; I am unable to attend Pennsic.  In my basement I
have one 8 person dome tent, one small pup tent, one
large tent that we can lay out and see if all the
pieces are there, and one zipper/screen sun shade.  If
anyone can use these plase drop me an email.  I hate
to see them sit here year after year not being used. 
I also have simple woman's plus size garb you are
welcome to borrow...skirts and chemises in light
cotten and gauzy fabrics...email me at
bunnienozez at yahoo.com or give me a call 412-908-1705

Your in service...Mary Elizabeth

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