[SCA-BMDL] Dance and Romance Thank-Yous

Jaime Boyden mebh_ingen_dubhgall at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 13 14:16:15 EST 2006

(note: please fwd to any of those gentles who attended
from kingdoms far away!)

I wanted to extend my thanks to all that made the
Dance and Romance Ball such a success.  There was good
food, fellowship, music, and of course much dancing.

To Their Excellencies, for attending and for giving
much encouragement.

To Cai O'r Llyn, Brandubh O'Donnghaile, and Lyev
Davidovitch, for their excellent dance instruction.

To Roana d'Evreux and the Consort, for providing us
with beautiful music to dance to.

To Kieran MacRae and the Debatable Choir, for their
excellent performance (and much apologies for my
daughter, who apparently is interested in joining).

To On The Mark for their beautiful performance.

To Arabella McGrath and Hilderun Hugelmann, for
organizing a very prosperous service auction (I
believe the total came to $300, and if I'm wrong,
please correct me).

To Odriana vander Brugghe, for organizing the
wonderful potluck.

To Michelina Cenomani di Trento and the Cooks Guild
for the decadent dessert table.

To Konstantinos Akropolities, for organizing the fun
games and activities to keep those more adept with the
mind than the feet entertained.

And last but certainly not least, to all those who
attended, helped, and enjoyed themselves.  Without you
all, this event would not have been such a great
success.  We had visitors from kingdoms I've not even
heard of yet, and I'm hoping that it may be possible
to make this event an annual or semi-annual thing.

Again, thank you all SO much.  You all made
autocratting my first event such a joy and I'm
definitely encouraged to do it again sometime :)

PS-At Zoe's last count, there were 90 attending.  That
was definitely more than I'd expected, and I'm so happy!!!

~Mebh ingen Dubhgall
mka Jaime Boyden

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