[SCA-BMDL] Crash space for Coronation

Karen Kasper arianna_wyn at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 23 09:40:00 EDT 2006

Good gentles of the Debatable Lands,
  I will be assigning crash space for guests traveling to Coronation.  I already have a couple of requests, so if you are able to host out of town visitors, please contact me off-list.  The following information would be helpful:
  Your SCA & mundane names
  Your address and general location relative to town and the site (Mt. Lebanon)
  Your phone and email contact info
  How many crashers you can take, including bed/sofa space vs. floor space
  Whether you have pets or kids
  Whether you smoke, and whether you're willing to take guests who smoke
  How late you're willing to stay up waiting for travelers to arrive

Karen Kasper

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