[SCA-BMDL] Esperanza's books

Christine Hutson kris_gilibari at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 17 13:42:16 EDT 2006


Mistress Esperanza has sold her house in Squirrel
Hill, and will be moving within the next couple of
months.  Meanwhile, she must sell off all of the
excess books that are sitting in her basement and
elsewhere, and is willing to sell cheap or in bulk. 
Subjects range from the medieval to books of photos,
poetry, cooking, history, humor, and anything else you
can imagine.  Her phone number is 412-521-2267, and
she would appreciate your help......that means: buy
Esperanza's books!  This also means she won't be
selling books at Pennsic anymore, so this is your last
chance.  I've bought a few of her tomes, and I'm very
happy with them, so give her a call (and make sure you
don't call too late at night, probably not after
9:00pm).  Thanks...

Mistress Kris Gilibari

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