[PDL-readingGroup] Announcement: Confirmed change of room and time Thur 5:15pm CIC 2101

Juncheng Yang juncheny at andrew.cmu.edu
Tue Jan 31 15:49:10 EST 2023

Hi everyone,     
    I have not heard from anyone having a conflict with starting at 5:15pm. So we will start at 5:15pm from this week. And we will meet in CIC 2101. Notice that the room is also different from last time.         

    This week, Ziyue will present an interesting paper from UC Berkeley “Skyplane: Optimizing Transfer Cost and Throughput Using Cloud-Aware Overlays”. 
    Please remember to order your food before Thur https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yCOE59Pip3AEB2UumoXgMbUok6hNvxBpJ-xdCLBIyXA/edit#gid=2038503702 

    And PDL meeting is starting in a few minutes. Greg loves to see anyone in person. :) 

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