[PDL-readingGroup] Food orders due by 11:59 pm tonight (Wednesday)

Karen Lindenfelser karenl at andrew.cmu.edu
Wed Feb 1 20:57:57 EST 2023


In case the link got lost in the invitation Juncheng sent out on *Tue Jan
31 23:16:29 EST 2023, *here is the link to order your entree for tomorrow
(or appetizer or dessert or drink if you prefer ONE of those items *instead*
of your ONE entree).


Please enter your order by 11:59 pm tonight (Wednesday) if you want food
ordered for you for the PDL reading discussion group tomorrow. To make it
fair for everyone, we will not be able to make exceptions to this "order
the night before" request. This is the procedure for each week so I most
likely won't send a reminder like this again.

Thanks so much and happy discussing on Thursday (5:15 in CIC 2101). It's
great to see some of the PDL community come together like this!

PSA: While some of you are regulars at the weekly PDL meetings, it would be
awesome to see more of you come on Tuesdays at 4 pm in CIC 2101 as well!
You all will benefit from this interaction whether the topic is in your
area of research or not, and the presenter will truly appreciate your
valuable input. Thank you.

Kind regards,
Karen Lindenfelser
PDL Administrative Manager
Carnegie Mellon University
*“Our wisdom does not just come from what we learn. *
*It also comes from what we unlearn.”*
*Cleo Wade*
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