Leanest OpenSlide possible

Jeff Mather jmather at mathworks.com
Fri Dec 6 12:19:55 EST 2019

Hi all,

I’ve just started looking into what might be involved to build something that links against OpenSlide. When I used homebrew to install OpenSlide on my Mac, I saw a lot of other libraries being fetched as well. Some made sense: libtiff, libjpeg, etc. Others puzzled me: cairo, freetype, little-cms, etc.

If my goal is simply to read raster data and file metadata, what’s the leanest set of additional libraries that I need? Eventually I’ll be building OpenSlide from source, and I’d like to link and redistribute as few libraries as possible.

(I haven’t dug deeply enough yet to know if it’s possible to reduce the footprint by only supporting a subset of the formats via build/config flags.)

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