Openslide Supporting File Format Question

TAE WOOK OH taewooko at
Thu Aug 4 18:38:57 EDT 2011

Hi Andrew,

I have a quick question about TIFF file format.
I am wondering whether openslide supports generic tiff format.
It seems that openslide support generic tiff format when I look at the
openslide web site.

Am I correct ?

I installed openslide on Cent OS, and it seems that other formats (including
trestle tif and aperio tif) work fine according to the test.c that was
provided by the source code.

But, It returned 'false' when I executed 'openslide_can_open' function  to
check whether openslide support the tiff format (general tiff file)

So, my question is, does openslide support generic-tif file (traditional )
format ?
If it does, how I can test the code ? why 'openslide_can_open' return false

Also, I am wondering whether openslide support 'BIGTIFF' and 'ndpi' file

It would be great help if you give me any advices !!

Steve Oh

Tae Wook (Steve) Oh

Intern for advanced biomedical database
Research & development
Center for Comprehensive Informatics
Emory University

Email: TOH3 at, taewooko at
Web: <>
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