msvc / cmake branch merged

Hauke Heibel hauke.heibel at
Mon May 17 12:44:55 EDT 2010

Hi Adam,

On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 4:50 PM, Adam Goode <agoode at> wrote:
> Hmm, I thought I got it squared away. A few questions then:
> What is the error you are having?

On MSVC 2010 I get the following error when omitting the cast:

error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'int (__cdecl
*)(j_decompress_ptr)' to 'boolean (__cdecl *)(j_decompress_ptr)'

> What is the version of libjpeg? (Could be a different version for each
>  compiler.)

According to the header file I've got version 7.0.

#define JPEG_LIB_VERSION  70	/* Version 7.0 */

> What is the JMETHOD signature in jpeglib.h?

#define JMETHOD(type,methodname,arglist)  type (*methodname) arglist
#define JMETHOD(type,methodname,arglist)  type (*methodname) ()

> What is the definition of boolean or jpeg_boolean in jmorecfg.h?

I just have a definition for boolean

typedef int boolean;
#ifndef FALSE			/* in case these macros already exist */
#define FALSE	0		/* values of boolean */
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE	1

Here are some more details.

1) jpeg_source_mgr::fill_input_buffer definition

JMETHOD(boolean, fill_input_buffer, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));

2) I double checked on Cygwin and it it the excat same version of the jpeglib.

- Hauke

p.s. I am currently rather busy so it will take some time until I
start to work on the single slide stuff. Might be even two months but
eventually I will do it and I will let you know.

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