Color-/Lineshifts under Windows?

Marco Feuerstein feuerste at
Thu Aug 12 07:38:02 EDT 2010

Hi Adam,

we just committed a fix, where we also incorporate the default fill color of mirax when reading regions. As a nice side-effect this removes the ugly gray border. You can find the fix here:
Currently the fill color is defined as a property and, if available, set inside openslide_read_region. If you want you can of course beautify our code.
We hope this helps!


> There is more to digest, at least for me :)
> I haven't looked much into the C code yet, but do you think in order to
> get
> rid of this gray border Hauke was talking about it would help to
> include rgb
> from fill_rgb (KEY_IMAGE_FILL_COLOR_BGR) somehow when using
> CAIRO_OPERATOR_SATURATE for blending all tiles together?
> Marco

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