[SIMSOC] question about social networks on the internet

Stefanescu Livia stefanescu_livia at YAHOO.FR
Sun Apr 1 06:26:33 EDT 2007


  I am Livia Stefanescu and I am a Ph.D. student in sociology at the Univer=
sity of Bucharest, Romania.

  I am trying to  find a theoretical approach to study social networks on t=
he Internet.
  I have already read about  network analysis, but I was wondering if there=
 are other ways to map a social network.

  Can you  evaluate how connected  are the members of a network?
  I want to see the interactions between the members of a community and the=
 position of a member in a network. =


    Any suggestions could be helpful.

  I also have a master degree in statistics, so don't be afraid to become "=
really technical".


  Thank you very much,

  Livia Stefanescu


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