[944] Final + end course notes

Gautam Iyer gi1242+944 at cmu.edu
Wed Nov 30 22:35:34 EST 2022

Hi All,

1. Your final will be on Thu Dec 8th, 10:00AM--1:00pm. It will follow
   the same rules as the midterm (closed book, in class, calculators
   allowed). As with the midterm your calculator must not be able to
   access the internet, and must not be able to read/store document

2. The final will cover everything done in this course. The questions
   will be similar in flavor to the midterm (no proofs, every question
   requires you to compute something and get an answer). However, given
   that there is more material, and that the material towards the end of
   the course is a bit more involved, students typically find the final
   a little harder.

   Typically only about 10% of students, get a perfect score on the
   final (this is about half as many as those who get perfect scores on
   the midterm). To give you an idea about grades, on the 
   2021 final, approximately 85% was an A-, and 65% was a B-.

   This is for your reference only. I assign grades based on the
   difficulty of each individual exam, and not percentage quotas; the
   grade cutoffs for your exam will likely be different.

3. I will finish all class material tomorrow (Thursday). Your recitation
   Friday, and class Tuesday next week will both be reviews. Previous
   years finals and solutions are online. We will announce office hours
   for next week shortly.

4. The best way to study for the final is to practice! Do problems
   yourself. If you get stuck, look up a solution / seek help.
   Understand the concept, and then see if you can do the problem
   yourself without help. Old exams are online; there are also plenty of
   problems in the references on the class website.

5. Please fill out faculty course evaluations, I value your feedback.
   Two incentives:
	1. If 75% of you fill out course evaluations, I will release
	   your grades as soon as they are available. If not, I will
	   only release them at the very end of the grading period.

	2. The steering committee has asked that we allot time *DURING
	   CLASS* for you to fill out course evaluations; If the
	   response rate is less than 75% by Tuesday, I will allot time
	   DURING THE REVIEW SESSION for you to fill out FCEs.

    Here's the link to the FCE site:




'Experience' -- A comb life gives you after you lose your hair.

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